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Cerep provides services in pharmacology, biology, and chemistry

Clics: 241, Site ajouté: May 19, 2014
Cerep provides services in pharmacology, biology, and chemistry
Cerep provides services in pharmacology, biology, and chemistry
LIEN : cerep.fr
Pays: France
mot-clé 1: predictive
mot-clé 2: models
mot-clé 3: pharma
mot-clé 4: cerep
mot-clé 5: cerep
mot-clé 6: profiling
mot-clé 7: cytochrome p450
mot-clé 8: in vivo
mot-clé 9: chemistry
mot-clé 10: molecular
Cerep provides services in pharmacology, in molecular biology and lead development, in toxicology, metabolism and bio-availability, in combinatorial and computational chemistry, HTS, HTP, HTLD.